Friday, February 13, 2009

Why Missions?

Understand that busyness is not a spiritual gift, yet I have been so busy with ministry that I have not been able to write the daily devotion for the mission team. So once again Iam borrowing today from Spurgeon's "Faith's Check Book. I trust God will use it to prepare you for the journey.

Why Missions? we have to step away from the daily and ordinary things of life and get focused on what really matters. It helps to go and worship in an unfamiliar place as a servant of Christ in a foreign land.


"Blessed shalt thou be in the field" Deut. 28:3

So was Isaac blessed when he walked therein at eventide to meditate. How often has the Lord met us when we have been alone! The hedges and the trees can bear witness to our joy. We look for such blessedness again.

So was Boaz blessed when he reaped his harvest, and his workmen met him with benedictions. May the Lord prosper all who drive the plough! Every farmer may urge this promise with God, if indeed he obeys the voice of the Lord God.

We go to the field to labor as father Adam did; and since the curse fell on the soil through the sin of Adam the first, it is a great comfort to find a blessing through Adam the second.

We go to the field for exercise, and we are happy in the belief that the Lord will bless that exercise, and give us health, which we will use to His glory.

We go to the field to study nature, and there is nothing in a knowledge of the visible creation which may not be sanctified to the highest uses by the divine benediction.

We have at last to go to the field to bury our dead; yea, others will in their turn take us to God's acre in the field: but we are blessed, whether weeping at the tomb, or sleeping in it.

— Faith's Checkbook

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