Sunday, November 15, 2009

Maturity in the Christian Life

What does this mean:"Maturity in the Christian Life" it means many things all of which we must value and evaluate and I want to list here some points by which we consider what spiritual maturity means:

1. We accept the fact that we fail, or sin, but we are not threatened by this fact, nor do we make excuses because of this fact, lest we must try to justify our sin some how.

2. When we hear preaching that convicts we do not bow up at the preacher or shoot the messenger. We own what we should own and we repent, desiring to change.

3. We desire not to focus on ourselves but on pleasing God and our worldview reflects this truth and our actions reflect this worldview.

4. We develop a heart of compassion towards others, "Jesus wept", remember the shortest verse in the Bible.

5. We disdain man centered theology and man centered worship and ideas of worship.

6. We hide God's word in our heart and we meditate on His word , day and night.

7.We become concerned about our children and our grandchildren in their spiritual journey and we are passionate about helping them gain spiritual depth.

8.We try to live a life of purpose for the Kingdom and not one of self indulgence whereby we sacrifice rather than become gluttons of comfort and pleasure. The desire of our heart is to never be a stumbling block but to be a facilitator, an encourager and an example of living for Christ.

9. We don't use crutches or lame excuses for spiritual apathy and decline in our ouwn spiritual fervor, we repent and seek to be different.

10. We do not adpot principles, philosophies or ideas of this world and try to baptize them into a hybrid of something that the bride of Christ should ingest. There should be no half baked ideas, or unbiblical theologies but we should develop a biblical theology through being disciples ourselves in the power of the Holy Spirit.

11. We don't tolerate error in the church.
12. We don't tolerate sin in the church, the body of Christ.
13. We do not tolerate unbiblical leadership in the church.
14. We don't tolerate the few trying to control a church with their agenda.
15. We want to see people come out from hiding and desire to be changed by the power of God.
16. We desire to give and to worship God way beyond a tithe. The tithe yes! and we give above a tithe and we recognize that every good thing comes from God and belongs to God and we give of our time and our talents also.
17. We are not offended by messages on giving and we know God loves a cheerful giver.
18. We believe that Christianity is life and that we are alive in Christ with unspeakable JOY!
19. We love our spouse putting Christ first then our spouse and we understand stand to truly love your spouse in to serve them expecting nothing in return.
20.We desire to be with other believers and to share the testimonies of God's work in our lives.