Friday, April 23, 2010

Get This Idea in Your Heart First and Your Head Later

One thing I know, God is never late, never slack, and He is always faithful. God is speaking to someone who will either answer this or relay this message to another who will answer the call.

You have to get the idea in your heart before you get the idea in your head. The idea is this: God may move you in order to use you. Your heart tied to the heart of God will see the need and your head will make excuses as to why you cannot repsond with your heart.

Your heart wants to proclaim the Kingdom of God but the ideas in your head leave you silent and useless in your chair or on your sofa. The birth pangs are here, the time is imminent, spend the last days however many or few there are abandoned to proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

Find out where God wants you to be and go there. Find out what God wants you to do and do it. Someone reading this will either respond or tell someone to read it and thye will respond. Hear me, you have 168 hours a week. If you are working 50-60 hours you still have some time to serve.

We need bi-vocational ministry workers. Are you called? Is God tearing you up about stepping out in faith. Do you realize you are a missionary. Every Christian is called to be a witness, let us help you polish your skills as a missionary, as a way of life.

Someone will read this and realize they need to find a job in Arkansas, move here and help us reach the 65 people groups. they will step out of the boat, walk by faith and find God to be enough. Do you want your life to count for something besides a job and a flat screen?

See the pictures I posted todayon FB, there were 40 kids and 5 adults who gathered to hear me share the gospel....YES I SAID THE GOSPEL. They didn't reject me, they welcomed me. They didn't mock me, they thanked me. They didn't ask me to leave, they asked me when would I return.

Get this, I had to say: "I don't know". Why? I have to find volunteers who can go back every week. I can reach many more people if I get volunteers equipped and started than if I pick one spot and stay there. I am calling you to a vision. God is working, the time is short. If you are not called then ignore me, if you are called how dare you ignore God.

Pray, search, look, and when you know it's God and not some weird idea, step out of the boat. Maybe you don't want to find another job and relocate..ok start reaching people where you are. Don't just sit there. Proclaim the Kingdom of God fulfill the Great Commission.

Need a pep talk or a start, bring your mission team here, we will get you going. Looking for where to go and serve God but didn't know where, come on and see if God affirms you to come here.

Once you get the idea in your heart that you want to tell people about Jesus that want to hear about Jesus; that are not being told about Jesus, your head can't talk you out of what is in your heart.

There may be errors in this, I don't have time to sit around and blog, but for whomever this was intended, contact me today 479.236.6165 and let me get you started serving or preparing to serve. You can work a job and pay rent anywhere, but I need to you work a job, pay rent and volunteer with me here. Fulfill the missional calling in oyur life. Let's go!

I know God had me post this today, so I know it was for somebody. Have questions, need help coping with the call of God? Contact me, let's do this because the hour draws near when we cannot do these things any longer, time will be up.

Who will He send? Who will Go?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mission Northwest Arkansas

God blessed my family with a new adventure. For the first time my kids live outside the city limits of Albany, Georgia. We live in a beautiful place, God created some major artwork in Northwest Arkansas.

So what are we doing in NWA? I am so glad you asked. We are running Mission Northwest Arkansas for First BAptist Springdale and the Church at Pinnacle Hills.

How can you pray for us? Thanks for asking. First, think of us as missionaries to NWA and if you want to get technical think of me as a missional strategist. I am asking God for the wisdom, the human resources and the annoiting of God to reach the 66 people groups that live here.

We want to start a baptist church for the Marshalleese people who live here. Please pray for favor with the Marshaleese people and for the effort to be a success to the glory of God.

We want to start more Spanish churches and more Cowboy churches. These models are reaching people here but we need more. Pray for the human resources to make this happen and for favor with the people and the power of God.

Pray that God will give me favor with the pastors and people of struggling churches as we come alongside smaller churches to help them thrive and be Great Commission churches.

Pray that my language skills in Spanish will continue to increase, as I am fluent in conversation but have along way to go to be able to teach or preach completely in Spanish.

Iam asking that you not see me merely as an associate min. of missions for FBC Springdale and CPH but see our whole family as lead missionaries in Northwest Arkansas.

Pray for our churches and our church staff. Pray for Pastor Ronnie Floyd and the GCR taskforce.

Pray for Central Baptist Albany, GA.

Pray for Greenbriar Church, Albany, GA.
Pray for Covenant Life Church , Tampa FL.

Thanks for praying!