Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finally....I am Free to Write Again.

In April of 2010, I posted on this blog page, a few words about why we came to NWA and as I look back seeing what I wrote, I am amazed with GOD and how HE works.

Since that time many things have happened and only now have I found the time to check back in on the blog. In reading a previous post I realized it was written just before God gave us the reality of a Marshallese church.

In May of 2010 we began meeting in a home for Bible Study, today we are meeting on the Springdale Campus of Cross Church with a weekly church service. Also our members are tasked with the privilege of translating and recording the first ever Marshallese version of The Jesus Film.

Soon our Jesus Film project will be complete and premiering here in Springdale followed by a premiere in the Marshall Islands. If God provides the resources, Patty and I hope that we both can be there in the Marshall Islands when the Marshallese people see this powerful evangelistic tool for the first time and hear the dialogue in their own language. God uses the Jesus Film all around the world and we know many will be saved here in Springdale and in the Marshall Islands.

We have seen people saved, baptized and even married in our short term as Cross Church Marshallese. We have developed new relationships and found many new friends who are our brothers and sisters in Christ. So what we only hoped to do in the previous post, God has now done and allowed us to take part in his work.

Truly there is not enough time to recount here all that God is doing in the Marshallese people in our church. I hope you will be a part of this effort too , simply by praying for us. We meet on Sundays at 1:30 p.m. CST.

Also you will see on the page that our family and some of the Cross Church family experienced our first Russian Christmas play. Also, in the previous post, I mentioned that we wanted to reach the 66 people groups that live in our area. Some of those groups are Russian speakers from various countries in the former Soviet Union. Some of them are already Christians, most of them are not. So please pray for our work there as well, which is also progressing.

We give Jesus Christ all the glory and ask that you praise Him, and pray for us.

In Christ,
Andy, Patty, Azlee, Avery, Adler and Anson Goode