Tuesday, September 16, 2008

America Is Not Dead Afterall

Something inside of me welled up for the first time in many, many years. I thought that sense of what I call "True America" was gone from within me. Please do not question my patriotism, that has only increased as I have matured but that sense of idealistic America seemed to have waned with my childhood innocence...only memories remained.

That sense that any American could one day run for president of the greatest country on earth and could actually become president. That among other noble ideas we hold as American children soon fade away as we learn how government really works. Something welled up in me recently that took me back to childhood and the most noble of dreams I once held about our great country.

Having a B.S. in Political Science and having been to law school it seemed that I really knew or at least knew enough, to know that an oligarchy existed in America today, a real ruling class that not just any American could be a part of and therefore become president.

This all changed when I heard about an American who was not from the ivy league, who does not seem to be a politico but had proven to be a leader and proven to be a person of great character. A person not born to a family of privilege, no estate in New England, no long line of well to do's in their genealogy.

I heard about this person who is not a community organizer but a community changer. A person who loves family and has Christian values such as those values on which this country was founded and should still be operated upon.

Then I saw this person in a photograph and I was pleased, never before had I ever thought of a candicate for vice president to be physically attractive. Then I saw Sara Palin on television and like never before I was waiting to see what she would say next. I was impresssed and it gives my heart joy to see the DNC scrambling at a loss for what to do.

Politically, McCain is not conservative enough for me although he has my utmost respect. Palin however sinches the deal for me. I really did not have a choice anyway because I could never vote for anyone who is for abortion, linked to terroist, offers nothing in a plan but weak rhetoric and has no respect for our armed forces.

Unlike Michelle Obama, I have always been proud of my country but today is a new day. I have renewed sense of pride almost as much as I did when Ronald Reagan was our president. There are no more men like Reagan that is why Sara Palin arose for such a time as this. Although I mean no disrespect to Palin, as good as she is, she is not Ronald Reagan. The integrity crisis among men in our country left only Palin as a media proof choice and a great choice she remains.

I urge all American voters to realize what is being said and what is not being said by the candidates. The Dems are worried about a used tanning bed that Palin bought with her own money. Talk about "nit picking".

Listen to what Obama says, watch the body language between Obama and Biden they are a camp divided gainst themsleves offering no verbiage of substance. Be not decieved McCain -Palin is our only hope.

Let it well up in you the noble thought that a runner up in a beauty pagent, out of the pages of Americana thought enough of others to try to lead a small town and took action. Let it encourage you that a hometown girl from a working class family in "hometown" USA aspired to the office of Govenor in her state without loosing her character, without compromising her itegrity and she just might become the President of the United States one day. Until then, Sara palin remains a great encouragement and inspiration for all of us who remember America in a more innocent sense. The way we thought of our country after WWII and in the days of Reagan.