Monday, May 17, 2010

Does Jail Ministry Really Work?

Here is one example out of many that we have from WCLEJC. I am pasting Chaplain Earl Adam's God story of the month here on my blog so that you can read the whole thing and know that our ministry here bears fruit that remains.

"Five years ago I baptized a detainee named Joe. Three months later Joe went to prison. While in prison he continued to read and study his Bible. Many months later he was released from prison. He went home to his wife and children. They began to attend Inside Out Ministry Church. I preached at this church recently. As I entered the church, Joe recognized me. He ran toward me. He gave me a big bear hug as he shouted Praise the Lord! While I preached there were many Amens and Praise the Lord coming from Joe’s pew. After church Joe’s wife asked if she could speak to me. Of course, I said yes. She said, “Thank you for your Jail Ministry. Thank you for giving my husband back to me. Thank you giving my children’s Dad back to them.” Joe came over and put his arm around his wife. He said, “I’ve been praying. I think God wants me to be a Jail Minister.” I prayed with Joe and his family before I left the church. A few weeks ago Joe came to Sunday baptism at the jail. After baptizing several men, Joe said, “Chaplain, can I say something to these men?” He said, “Men, five years ago today, I was baptized in this room and in this baptism tub. God has changed my life. He will change your life too.”
Yesterday, Joe came to the jail and went to Work Release with one of our trained Jail Ministers. Yes, Joe is training to be a Jail Minister. AMAZING!"

Now, you see the fruit, it is time to bear fruit of your own. Be inspired today to invest the gospel of Jesus Christ into someone. Go and make a disciple today, but realize it takes more than sharing the gospel to make disciples. If you need our help call on us, that is why we are here.

Bear fruit by praying and bear fruit by giving. Our jail ministry needs more partners. We can expand the ministry but we need partners that want to bear fruit through this ministry by making this ministry possible. Can't partner with us financially right now? We will take your gift of time and talent, volunteer with us. What i God calling you to do? Do it!